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Have you ever been to a lunch lecture or educational workshop? Well, the Onderwijscommissie (Education Committee) is the committee that organises all these kinds of study related activities. From contacting companies and people, to arranging the infamous lunch snack, we do it all. Besides having fun and chatting with lots of Genius members, we also mean something for the study program! Another responsibility of the committee, together with the Program Team, is the mentor system for first year students. We also organise activities like the Adobe workshops. But the biggest event of our year is the annual ‘Vak van de Hucht’-awards for best BLP and MLP course. During this ceremony teachers and students come together for a drink as the Commissioner of Education announces the winner of the awards.

The committee consists of the Commissioner of Education and members from both BLP and MLP. We have members from different years and both specializations. Do you also want to organize activities that are beneficial for our study? Then join the Education Committee! You can contact us at or come by in Het Hok.

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